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TipTop not functioning in 9.1.5 - I am getting these 2...

I am getting these 2 errors10x TipTop\tiptop-2.20.lua:520: attempt to index upvalue 'ttStyle' (a nil value):520: in function <TipTop\tiptop.lua:509>Locals:(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = "attempt to index upvalue 'ttStyle' (a nil value)"db = <table> { guildRank = true raidIconX = "0" healthText = true raidIconSize = 16 factionIconY = "-4" offsetX = "-2" borderColor = <table> { } anchor = "BOTTOMRIGHT" bg = "brushed" sbarbgcolor = <table> { } healthBar = "TipTop Default" onCursor = true healthSize = 12 raidIconY = "0" font = "Friz Quadrata TT" textformat = "1.2k/1.2k" offsetY = "109" classIcon = true insideBar = false fontSize = 12 factionIconSize = 32 npcClassColor = true scale = 1 border = "Seerah Solid" classIconStyle = "Default UI" elite = true anchorTo = "BOTTOMRIGHT" sbarcolor = <table> { } healthFont = "Friz Quadrata TT" showTalentText = true factionIconPosition = "TOPRIGHT" inset = 0 npcClassIcon = true factionIcon = false diffColor = true showTargetText = true fontFlag = "None" diffFont = false sbarclass = true alpha = 0.525953 you = true classColor = true borderWidth = 2.500000 factionIconX = "-16" itemColor = true topBar = false bgColor = <table> { } raidIconPosition = "TOP" sbarbg = "TipTop Default"}ttStyle = niltt = GameTooltip { 0 = <userdata> SetCurrencyByID = <function> defined =:-1 SetText = <function> defined =:-1 textLeft1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText" Hide = <function> defined =:-1 ItemTooltip = <unnamed> { } SetHyperlink = <function> defined =:-1 SetGuildBankItem = <function> defined =:-1 updateTooltipTimer = 0.200000 SetCurrencyTokenByID = <function> defined =:-1 SetVoidDepositItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetVoidWithdrawalItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetTrainerService = <function> defined =:-1 SetItemByID = <function> defined =:-1 SetExistingSocketGem = <function> defined =:-1 TextRight1 = GameTooltipTextRight1 { } textRight2Font = "GameTooltipText" ClearLines = <function> defined =:-1 SetSocketGem = <function> defined =:-1 ARKTTD = <table> { } TopOverlay = <unnamed> { } SetItemKey = <function> defined =:-1 SetLootCurrency = <function> defined =:-1 SetQuestCurrency = <function> defined =:-1 SetHeirloomByItemID = <function> defined =:-1 SetLootItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetQuestItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetToyByItemID = <function> defined =:-1 TMW_SetSpellByIDWithClassIcon = <function> defined @TellMeWhen\Components\Core\Spells\ClassSpellCache.lua:214 FadeOut = <function> defined =:-1 SetQuestLogSpecialItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetVoidItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetMerchantCostItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetRecipeReagentItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetBuybackItem = <function> defined =:-1 shoppingTooltips = <table> { } SetWeeklyReward = <function> defined =:-1 SetMerchantItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetQuestLogItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetBackpackToken = <function> defined =:-1 BottomOverlay = <unnamed> { } SetCurrencyToken = <function> defined =:-1 SetTradePlayerItem = <function> defined =:-1 textRight1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText" SetSendMailItem = <function> defined =:-1 Show = <function> defined =:-1 NineSlice = <unnamed> { } textLeft2Font = "GameTooltipText" SetLootRollItem = <function> defined =:-1 TextRight2 = GameTooltipTextRight2 { } TextLeft2 = GameTooltipTextLeft2 { } SetInboxItem = <function> defined =:-1 layoutType = "TooltipDefaultLayout" TextLeft1 = GameTooltipTextLeft1 { } SetBagItem = <function> defined =:-1 needsReset = true SetTradeTargetItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetInventoryItem = <function> defined =:-1 SetQuestLogCurrency = <function> defined =:-1 SetRecipeResultItem = <function> defined =:-1}SetBorderColor = nilTipTop = <table> { FactionIcon = <function> defined @TipTop\tiptop.lua:163 SBPosition = <function> defined @TipTAnd1053x TipTop\TipTopOptions.lua:998: attempt to index global 'TipTop' (a nil value):998: in function <TipTop\TipTopOptions.lua:993>Locals:(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = TipTopMover { 0 = <userdata>}(*temporary) = <function> defined =:-1(*temporary) = <function> defined @Outfitter\Libraries/LibTipHooker-1.1.lua:247(*temporary) = "Frame"(*temporary) = "TipTopMover"(*temporary) = UIParent { 0 = <userdata> firstTimeLoaded = 1 variablesLoaded = true}(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'TipTop' (a nil value)"SetUpDB = <function> defined @TipTop\TipTopOptions.lua:67mover = TipTopMover { 0 = <userdata>}db = <table> { guildRank = true raidIconX = "0" healthText = true raidIconSize = 16 factionIconY = "-4" offsetX = "-2" borderColor = <table> { } anchor = "BOTTOMRIGHT" bg = "brushed" sbarbgcolor = <table> { } healthBar = "TipTop Default" onCursor = true healthSize = 12 raidIconY = "0" font = "Friz Quadrata TT" textformat = "1.2k/1.2k" offsetY = "109" classIcon = true insideBar = false fontSize = 12 factionIconSize = 32 npcClassColor = true scale = 1 border = "Seerah Solid" classIconStyle = "Default UI" elite = true raidIconPosition = "TOP" bgColor = <table> { } topBar = false factionIcon = false healthFont = "Friz Quadrata TT" inset = 0 factionIconX = "-16" showTalentText = true diffColor = true showTargetText = true borderWidth = 2.500000 npcClassIcon = true fontFlag = "None" alpha = 0.525953 you = true classColor = true sbarclass = true diffFont = false itemColor = true factionIconPosition = "TOPRIGHT" sbarcolor = <table> { } anchorTo = "BOTTOMRIGHT" sbarbg = "TipTop Default"}options = <table> { type = "group" name = "TipTop Options" args = <table> { }}(Interface: TipTop | Bug: TipTop not functioning in 9.1.5)

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