Same issue. As you can see from the screenshots, it gets pretty bad. This is a quick Vuhdo setup for a 40-man (I know, it looks ridiculous, did it on the fly). Something is clearly up with the class icons as well as the spec.Conditions:This happens only when in combat. I've only tested it in battlegrounds so far. When I mouse-over a panel in Vuhdo, the tooltip seems to get locked on that player. Whenever I move my mouse to another panel, it adds another class icon and spec line to the tooltip. If I move across 7 panels to get to the one I need to heal, that's 7 more class icons, 7 more spec lines, and the tooltip grows. The original player's name/info always remain. It may just be adding the class icon of every player I've moused-over since the first. The only way to make the tooltip go back to normal is to mouse over empty screen somewhere off the Vuhdo frames for ~2 seconds, though it will begin again as soon as I mouse back to the frames. TipTop | Bug: class icons (bug with healbot?))